In recent years, solo traveling, leaving behind people you know for an adventure by yourself, has become incredibly popular. One can explore at their own pace, meet new people and not feel held back by family or friends, according to The New York Times.

Sound magical? In case you haven’t already packed your bags, here’s some helpful information to convince you why solo traveling might be a good fit.

Why has solo travel become popular?

According to The Washington Post, solo travel might have become popular after loss from COVID-19.

“During the pandemic there was so much loss; now there’s this underlying current of ‘Go do things now,’” said Kristi Marsh, marketing director of Adventure Women, to The Washington Post.

Have Fun Do Good shares four other reasons why solo travel is fun and highly sought-after.

  • It’s liberating: Traveling solo can alleviate the stress of compromising on activities, enabling you to explore the sights you’re most eager to see.
  • It can be spontaneous: You are the sole decision-maker. If you want to make a detour or impulse decision, no one can stop you.
  • It builds self-confidence: Being overwhelmed on your first solo trip is normal. However, being pushed outside of your comfort zone allows you to develop confidence in your skills.
  • It’s not lonely: While solo traveling, you can meet new people you would not normally talk to. Examples may include on the bus you take or while on a hike.

Is traveling alone a good idea?

While traveling solo can be safe, it is important to take special precautions that others in groups might not have to consider, according to Nomadicyak.

Smartraveller shares some tips for before and during your travel.

Before you travel

Prepping beforehand can give you some relief and knowledge of what to do or where you are going.

  • Research the destination to find the areas of risks, especially for your gender, ethnic or cultural background, or orientation.
  • Plan accommodations in advance, making sure you never leave yourself in a position where you do not have a safe place to stay.
  • Plan transportation by scheduling flights to arrive during daylight hours. Additionally, research the safety of local public transportation options beforehand.
  • Monitor your mental health by preparing strategies to address feelings such as homesickness or isolation. If you have mental health concerns or are on medication, discuss different management strategies with your doctor.
  • Tell others where you are going. You could give others copies of your itinerary with contacts, insurance policy or passport. Furthermore, scheduling regular times to check in with people back home can provide additional safety.
  • Make an emergency plan. Save emergency contacts of local services such as hospitals, clinics or your accommodation.
  • Learn at least some key phrases in the local language. Examples may include yes, no, where the bathroom is or medical phrases.

While traveling

As you begin making choices on your trip, remember to think safe.

  • Choose safe transportation by picking reliable and reputable taxis or buses. Keep your valuables hidden and safe. Do not hitchhike.
  • Be smart while in accommodations by checking to see if the phone, door, windows and locks work.
  • Be smart outside by avoiding looking like a tourist. Walk with confidence and do not carry too much cash around.
  • Socialize safely by staying away from too much alcohol and not advertising you’re traveling alone.

Additional tips for women

Women may face additional risks while traveling solo.

  • Take cultural standards into account, especially regarding interactions between different genders.
  • Consider wearing a wedding ring as a deterrent against unwanted attention.
  • Dress in accordance with local laws to avoid potential harassment or assault.
  • Refrain from entering the back rooms of shops where visibility of the street is limited.
  • Sit near drivers in cars or buses.
  • Never leave your drink unattended or accept one you did not see made.

If nervous about solo traveling, there are reputable companies that offer group trips for solo travelers.

Where do I start?

Many influencers share some tips, recommendations and an extra push to help you start your next solo trip.

Starting from the beginning

10 places to travel solo for first-timers

Mistakes to avoid

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